
April 30, 2009

.To Whom It May Concern.


.Minggu yang tak berapa baik.
I'm coming home.
Untuk bersama dengan mereka yang TAK pernah melupakan aku saat sedih & gembira.
How I need them so much. My family is everything for me.
Aku manusia biasa. Kadang membuat kesilapan. Kadang gagal memenuhi permintaan.
Kepada yang kecewa, maaf.
Kepada yang pernah menggembirakan, terima kasih.
Life is unpredictable.
Berundur, mungkin yang terbaik.
Berdiam, bukan beerti menjauh.
Sometimes, silence is the best way.
Jangan ditanya mengapa.
*Ampuni aku yang telah memasuki kehidupan kalian*
*Mencuba mencari celah dalam hatimu*
Harap aku pernah memberi makna.
Semoga kebahagiaan milik kamu semua.
Till we meet again?? Not so sure..
So long.

.Nursolehah Abdul Rahim.

The Climb by Miley Cyrus, Hand In My Pocket by Alanis Morissette & Thinking of You by Kate Perry.

April 18, 2009

Sunday's Blues Clues huahua!

I was smiling bile die msg & ckp tgh igt kat aku time dia bz study.
Yeayy! Anjakan paradigma yang positif.
Dari tadi hati berdebar-debar. Family?? Semoga Allah melindungi family, especially anak buah yang baru pas operate pg kelmarin kat Johor. Lagi? No idea. Mebi jantung aku terover pam darah. Or? Miss someone maybe? (perlu ke aku pk sume ni?) *Sigh~

4 now, just want to continue reading this, See Isabelle Run For Her Life.
Isabelle : Optimistic, Brilliant & Brave. 10 minutes before her wedding, her bf dump her just like that. Pathetic. But here she comes, with a new way of thinking, new look, make everyone fall for her, including her friends, colleagues, boss! Nobody can escape from her. Err, no intend to tell the synopsis here. Interesting novel based on a true story & inspired me a lot (in terms of the spirit okeh!). Abah, mak, ampun. Anakmu bukan tak belajar. I also need some rest and this is how I rest my brain. Tgk tv, on9, games, search latest info, bace true story, lastik cicak, masak utk housemate juge soulmate, serta classmate (T-I-P-U), & kaco kengkawan apa adanya. Macam bagos. Wink~

April 16, 2009

Kepelikan Minda Yang Senget!

Patotnye kol 7 pagi ni gi Mukah. My fren, (coach actually) joint thriathlon. Annually competition utk yg berbadan tough, sasa, mantap, mampu, urat besi, tulang dawai, gigi konkrit, kuku zink, bla bla. Adiah riban2 doh~ Plus, ade Pesta Kaul. Annual festival of the Melanau (1 of the ethnic in Srwk), celeb at Kala Dana Beach, from 19-27 April. Havoc & full of excitement. Sounds very interesting to me even nak ke Mukah mkn mase 8 jam. Berdarah mate kan? Tp, aku xle gi lak. Bukan aku yg sepatutnye diajak, tp si die yg lebih layak utk support my fren ni dlm competition tuh. Faker! Mangkok tol bile kena wat pilihan yg letak aku sbg pihak yg terpakse mengalah. Bak kate Afif, xpyh sesakkan otak. Xpe. Lagi pon, nak study. Smlm lunch dgn Im. The expert of Dota & Paintball. Dgr die cite psl program gi Miri dat day, wat aku tergelak. Betol la kate Zoey, kalo x tau tanye pd yg berpengalaman. Ni x, si pengarah projek jenis berlagak cam haram. Kerek. Boddho sombong. Nsb bek Encik Lipan ade. Oh my hero! ngeeee~ Syg tol, big programme like dat, he takes it for granted. Then, there also some act of overt hostilities. Relax la bai (akak or abg?? aku terkesima!!).. kena kritik tuh biaselah, sort of a learning process pe. kecoh ah~ "sekali org kutuk I, 1000 kali org lain akan kutuk org tuh plak"...poyo la ayat merapu kepunden die. New philosophy ke dik? auwww! Thank God aku x gi gak, xmo la tmbh dosa dgn joint gossip-group. Damn you guys! Aku xde pon korang jalankan misi. Nak kena pecat nie mempijakbelakangkan CEO. Mlm smlm kuar dgn Naz. Mr. Nice Guy, tp sorry, terlalu ikhlas la plak. Bored, reject!~Checklist Time.. hakhak! Kitorang gi mkn2 & tgk Friday The 13th. Cerah chance nk dpt surat amaran tata tertib tajaan Abang Guard skali gi nie. Tuan Haji Ahmad Sabu calling2 berbelas kali ptg td, aku plak silence coz study. Tau dh mesti suh gi debat. TAKMO! YDP msg suh jadik LO lg 4 new intake, tp agak frust coz kena wat praktikal. Melepas chance nak usya dak mentah & tambah latest collection. huk~ Dah, Aen suh tdo. Baik honeyku cyg! haipp!!
p/s: apesal Naniey tetibe ckp bangge dgn aku? haishh~ pening aku pk. Kalah tahap kepeningan jwb soklan time UPSR dolu. Beliau lak dh tdo bermandikan saliva yg agak basi, tinggalkan aku hanyut dlm kesengetan sdn bhd. x pueh ati gak!!
Since aku xdpt gi Mukah, so tgk jek la pic of the Kala Dana Beach..sob sobb...

gOOd LucK.

Final exam is just around the corner. Have to take it seriously. Hope NOTHING will disturb my focus, patience, schedule & time management. GAMBATE! CHAYO! GOOD LUCK!

2 Mei 2009 : Big Day. Final Decision.

April 8, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Deq!

Dr pagi td entry ni dlm draft =p.. Tq to those who wish me, gave presents, & celebrated my big day. Trime kasih kat abah & mak gak coz memberikan ucapan yg sgt la bermakne diz year.. Mkn dlm woo~ anakanda try ek?? Tq to Nina, her sis Aida, her sis's friend, & Ana Senget Ding Dong Tora-Tora Bora (panjang wey name ko) coz kuar dgn aku. Tuh la, len kali setuju jek gi Kenny Rogers, Chicken Rice x besh! x jumpe pon kepak ciken kan. Ahax~ Soooo sorry to friends who plan to celeb my birthday, but i can't go. Wut?? How come?? Its my birthday hehe..Very the kejam ke? Agak la. hehe. But i have to spend time with others too. Xmo la kerat2 lak bdn aku kan. hehe.
Tq also to those who sang to me. Aku suke coz b'jaye pakse dorang menyumbangkan suare yg agak..err..hehe. Aen, Cik Diela, Mitchell, Laura, Nash, Hawa, Jebot, Kiky, Naniey, Haniez, Reez, Afif, Dino, Eddy, Doz, Justin, dan sebagainye. Xdpt aku nak type sume kt cnie coz aku tgh men game skang. Aku syg giler dgn korang sume. Very funny when i got different kinds of genre. ceh! Genre?? Tahlah, aku terdengar iklan kat tv sebut ni td..wuteva~ Tamil version, Malay, Urdu, English, Japan (hakuna matata ooyeah!), bahase Siam pon ade wey, Mexico juge turut serta, Pofabor miamor! Acoustic x ketinggalan (honey, suare awk la yg paling sedaappppp =p tipu jek!), Ana plak versi baru bgn tdo. sexy doh~ cam Anggun gak la. (ko pon tau aku tipu ni) haha. Leh wat special collection in cd type nie..Jual sekilo RM 1.50. To ieda..siap awk! very disrecpectful punyer adeq. Org bom Dungun baru tau. huk~ Special to Ezra, boh tikam telur busuk, mun asa mok kena kiss sabtu tok, try la! hakhak! Wey dh rase cam bagi ucapan time Anugerah Juare Lagu jek. heh! Blah ah.
Hadiah?? sgt sygkan sumenye. Dun have to state here i guess. Tp palinggg syg, Vincci's watch in white. Sgt mencabar kesabaran sy. Good challenge. =]
Hope to become as a better Deqlah.
Well, the most incredible single thing happen when the clock turn to 12 am, 8 April 2009 was, I get to know myself better..I just love being myself. I love everything about me. Very optimistic la diz time, less pessimistic =] huishh!!
P/s: So touching when i read Cik Diela's entry bout my birthday..TQ! Appreciate it my dear friend! even agak kontroversi la, nsb bek peminat phm. hakhak! so, saje nak add b4 publish kan. No heart feeling to others OKE! Pinjam ayat Cik Diela. Dear Diela, hope 1 day nti kita dpt repeat sume kenangan tuh. Saye tmbh cket eh, tp bukan versi surat la. Failed bab tuh.. Byk kenangan kite kan seperti sesi terapi picit2 kepale yg disepit dgn sepit-sepit rambut kaler purple (ye ke?), memijak kucing di stadium UKM demi nak slamatkan tgn lembut u dr dicakar (hasil rendaman dia dlm air beras 3x sehari, try la), ke pasar mlm Bangi yg sungguh wangi, berlari2 pujok u di kala muke u manje2 merajok (comelnye taik lalat die), membahan dak 'faizal tahir', melepak di bwh pokok berhantu di Ibu Zain smbil cube m'beri hint supaya beliau go away (im refering to err..u know!), tdo bersame2 di katil yg standard leh masok Bersamamu, tgk tv smbil mkn twiggies bersuap2 (suap CT), & i hrp jgnla u tolak lagi if nak ajak tgk bola. huahua! Err, haruslah i call u dulu br yg len mlm tuh kan. sumpah! =p Hey, I miss u damn much too!