
June 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Ana!

Happy Birthday.

:26 Jun 1986:

May all your dreams comes true. Thanks for everything you did for our friendship. May Allah bless you and may our friendship last forever. Also, congratulation for your result, flying colours huh? Keep it up~ =]

June 19, 2009

My Appreciation Goes To--> Nina.

>Noor Diana Shamshuddin<

"So maybe we fight, argue and get each other jealous off of anything. We're not perfect, so what? What really matters are the endless midnight conversations over the phone. All those times we laugh. All those songs that remind us of each other. Good friend is so special, that whenever you're around, it seems the world is filled with joys, just waiting to be found."

Nina, just read this and understand :

* I love you but I am not you lover.

* I care for you, but I am not from your family.

* I am ready to share your pain, but I am not in your blood relations.

= I am your FRIEND.

True frind scolds like a DAD. cares like a MOM. Teases like a SISTER. Irritates like a BROTHER. & finally, LOVE you more than your LOVER! May our friendship remains forever. Eternity.

Teringat & Diingati??

Soalan aku utk hari ni.. betol ke kalo kita rindukan seseorang, or paling kuat pon, teringatla kat sape2 la, orang tuh pon akan otomatik igt kita gak? betul ke? benar ke? sahih ke? ade bukti? ADE! sebab tuh aku highlight kes yang x berape hot nih. hehe. Pagi td aku teringat + rindu ler kat yayang aku, UKM mali.. tetibe beliau sms aku stelah sekian lame x sms, bz dgn tuntutan komitmen. Pintanya, jgn lupakan si dia even someone new may come..Ehem, how can I replace u my dear? Kita ade mind connection ke? Then ada gak aku dok teringat, tade rindu la kat si lah satu2nya manusie yg pggl aku Ley_a. Ye, aku byk nama. Lupakan, tuh x penting. Ni yg penting. Jiejoy pon dh lame x contact aku. Bz kot dgn praktikal, dak2 FSGK praktikal best2. TV la, radio la..jumpa artis salu ler~ So, Jiejoy ni pon tetibe jek call aku pg td borak2 pjg gak la. Byk kali la jd camni. takleh nak nafikan cz sometimes it happen. Pada aku, simple : Kuasa Allah. Related dgn bnda nih gak la, aku leh conclude & sebab utama nape aku highlight entry nih, selalu2 lah igt semua yg ade kaitan dgn kita, sama ada family, kwn2, pakwe2, makwe2, tok nenek, sape2 jelah, kalau kita nak diingati..x contact pon takpe. Tade hal..Ingatan tuh lg penting..~ hehehe..

*ade sape2 sedang teringatkan seseorang skang? =]

June 17, 2009

Happy Darab Dua..

17 Jun 1957..
Happy Birthday Mak!
Orang syg mak sgt..
Tq sebab besarkan org smpai dh besar camni..=]
Mak sgt baik, lemah-lembut, sporting giler, cun gak..tuh la abah setia..mak masak best!
Mak fhm org.mebi sebab mak anak ke-6, org kita same. mak suke belai rambut org.suke tarik kaki org if liat bgn..huhu.
Mak suke manjakan org, org malu tp mahu..Mak TAK pernah marah2. Rahsia mak awet muda ye mak? x pyh botox de~
Bila org blk umah, mesti mak msk pe org suke even x suruh.
Bila nak balik srwk, mak nangis bila org kiss mak. mak pesan mcm2, benda yg same org dgr sepanjang 23 tahun ni. tq mak! tq 4 ol ur support, ur love, ur thoughts, ur caring, ur time..everythings!
Sekali lg, Happy Birthday Puan Normah Haji Ahmad..Semoga panjang umur. Love u!

* hari ni happy giler cz dapat taw result..ehem2..ade yg kena belanja nampaknya ni..sila tunaikan janji anda..=]

June 12, 2009

Buat kamu...

A second, a minute, and hour, a day goes by. I´m hopin’ just to be by your side. I´m turnin’ the handle. It won’t open. Don’t make me wait, cause right now I need your smile. When life had locked me out, I turned to you. So open the door. Cuz’ you’re all I need right now. It´s true. Nothin’ works like you. A warm bath, a good laugh, an old song that you know by heart. I’ve tried it but they all leave me cold. So now I´m here waiting to see you,my remedy for all that’s been hurting me. You seem to know the way to turn my frown upside down. You always know what to say. To make me feel like everything’s ok. I’m just a little bit. Caught in the middle. Life is a maze. And love is a riddle. I don’t know where to go. I can’t do it alone. And I don’t know why
I am just a little girl. Lost in the moment. I’m so scared. But don’t show it. I can’t figure it out. It’s bringing me down. I know I’ve got to let it go. And just enjoy the show...